Become a Distributor

We have over 300+ formulations available to us. If you are interested in a product specific for your market or for a specific condition, we can easily accommodate.

What we offer

Premium quality products that are guaranteed in their effectiveness

Every product is manufactured to be of the highest quality, under strict guidelines. Quality is guaranteed so you can rest assured knowing that what you bring to the market with us will only improve your reputation.

Competitive prices to ensure your success in the market

With our experience in working with export markets, we understand how important competitive prices are. We can provide you relief with challenges unique to your market by offering competitive prices without compromising on the quality.

Pack sizes and packaging options to suit the market

The same pack type or size do not suit every market. Your options are wide open in this regard as we can offer a range of pack sizes to suit your needs and a variety of packaging options (Cartons, PET / HDPE Bottles, Clear/Dark Bottles, Alu-Alu/Blister strips, etc.).

An always open line of communication

We are easy to access, and you can always expect a quick response from our side. Since you will be in contact with a Director you will be saving time in your communications as you will be speaking directly to a decision maker.

What we offer

Premium quality products that are guaranteed in their effectiveness

Every product is manufactured to be of the highest quality, under strict guidelines. Quality is guaranteed so you can rest assured knowing that what you bring to the market with us will only improve your reputation.

Competitive prices to ensure your success in the market

With our experience in working with export markets, we understand how important competitive prices are. We can provide you relief with challenges unique to your market by offering competitive prices without compromising on the quality.

Pack sizes and packaging options to suit the market

The same pack type or size do not suit every market. Your options are wide open in this regard as we can offer a range of pack sizes to suit your needs and a variety of packaging options (Cartons, PET / HDPE Bottles, Clear/Dark Bottles, Alu-Alu/Blister strips etc.).

An always open line of communication

We are easy to access, and you can always expect a quick response from our side. Since you will be in contact with a Director you will be saving time in your communications as you will be speaking directly to a decision maker.

We also offer additional support

We provide tailor made support and solutions to meet the specific requirements of all of our clients, to assure their operational success.

We also offer additional support

We provide tailor made support and solutions to meet the specific requirements of all of our clients, to assure their operational success.